People, Products & Performance You Can Trust

Welcome to Amycel

Amycel welcomes you to the world of developing and producing the best mushroom strains. With famous strains like TripleX and Heirloom we contribute to the success of growers around the world. Our company is an affiliate the worlds largest mushroom producer and marketeer, Monterey Mushrooms. Our farms are of big value for testing and developing new strains. Being mushroom farmers ourselves we know the growers demand for strong and healthy spawn and performing strains. Have a look around in our European spawn production site in Vendome France, read about our products. And when you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact one of our technical representatives. Amycel is the company you can rely on to help you to grow. For increased productivity, the consistency you need and the quality you demand, Amycel delivers.


Amycel produces spawn for white and brown mushrooms , oyster mushrooms, shii-take and others. In a wide variety of strains, for every commercial mushroom grower we made the right choice available.

Spawn Carriers

Mushroom spawn is inoculated on the traditional grain types rye or millet. New innovative spawn is available , such as Onyxx, using several extra ingredients and faster mycelium growth. Fusion, our casing inoculum, is also available.